Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gotta Get Back in the Blogging Groove

I haven't been here in almost a year, but I guess that's better than my partners-in-weight-loss.  I will have to harass them a bit...

So tonight, I decided I needed to post.  I started by skimming back through older posts to try to find my high weight.

Something like 226.7.  Yeah.  That's sounds about right.

Today, I got on the scale and got a 195.8. 

That's right...since I started this, I have now, officially, lost 30 pounds.

It only took 3 years and developing type II diabetes and having to cut out virtually all carbs and being on three medicines for diabetes.

I have participated in 3 5K's.  I have placed in one.  (3rd!)

I still take tap.  Right now, we are dancing to what, for me, is a super appropriate song -- "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor.  (Because, let's face it, I ain't no size 2.)

I'm doing a book challenge and have finished 25 of 30 books this year.  I've got an awesome idea for Nano month next month (wish me luck in finally completing a novel!)

And I need new clothes.  Because my pants are falling off of me.  I've gone from a size 22 to a size 16 or 18 (depending on the pants).  I wore a pair of jeans Friday that I haven't worn in YEARS.  My size 2X shirts are way too big...but I'm not sure I'm completely comfortable in a 1X or XL just yet....but I am.  Mostly.  Somewhat.  Maybe.

Did I mention that I don't have to unbutton or unzip even those size 16 jeans (that are still too long) that I am wearing to take them off?

Hey....I've lost 30 pounds.  Even if it did take 3 years...I've lost 30 pounds!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nov. 21, 2013

It has again been a while since a posting.  Hrm.


Blood sugar has been high again lately, but then I lost my meter, so not able to check for almost the last week.  I will find it this weekend, one way or another!  It has (more or less) been determined that I have (or am developing) arthritis.  I get it.  My hands won't open or close for a bit in the mornings when I wake up, but eventually it goes away.  I'm tired a lot, although I can't manage to sleep all the way through the night. 

On the other hand, I am officially down to 205.6.  I did, for a moment, see 203.6, but then it immediately went to 204.8 when I was trying to get photographic evidence.  But, again...the number is going DOWN and always fluctuates a couple of pounds up.  It was fluctuating up to 206.x, but it feels like we may be beyond that and down another bit. 

I'm still hoping to be in "onederland" by New Year's.  6 months to lose 20 pounds. . . it should stay off, right?  If it can keep doing down, then maybe I can be down to 180 by summer break. 

I must say that I enjoy not having to unbutton pants anymore.  These 2X shirts are fitting looser and looser.  I can't quite get comfortably into an XL, but it's coming.  I know I should ask for clothes for Christmas, possibly move down from a size 22 jeans to a size 20.  (I am wearing a 22 in jeans and a 20 in other pants.)  Next week, I need to dig out some out old size 18s and see if I can possibly get myself into them. 

Wish me luck!


Monday, October 14, 2013


Wt: 206.2

Yep.  It's been a minute since I last posted.  Still out here, still working on it.  Still need to be more active.  (Shame on me.)  I skipped tap last week because I was oh-so-tired (and my knee has hurt tremendously for almost two weeks...bad enough that I have invested in a knee brace.

I had to take a moment and look back.  At the beginning of June (when I wasn't posting...), I recall the scale said 222 or thereabouts. After going to Disney at the middle/end of June, 213.  July 12, 215.

So...if we think back to beginning of summer, I'm down 16 pounds.  I'm cool with that.

If we think since July 12, I'm down 9.  And I'm cool with that, too.

I think it is entirely possible that I could see ONEDERLAND by the end of the year.  And that's pretty damn awesome.

14 weeks for 9 pounds is pretty slow.  18-20 weeks for 16 is pretty slow, too.

But what's that they say: if it comes off slow and steady you are more likely to keep it off, which is the ultimate goal, is it not?


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Endo Tomorrow

I forsee that I will be fussed at for not keeping better records of my BG.  Although, tonight, I have poured through this blog, writing into my calendar every notation of BG I have blogged. 

In other news... 

Weight: 210.2. 
BG today: 192

210.  That's an official 10 pounds since the start of summer.  5 since July 12.  And it's still going down, but I feel like I can't eat anything, either.  Everything has carbs. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Quick Update

BG: 206

Better than it has been on waking up.  Still not great...but I succumbed to temptation and a handful of potato chips last night.  Shame on someone else for the temptation, but it is really hard to give up everything.  Okay, so it's not everything, but it feels like it.

Take the other evening for example.  I'm walking around the store looking for ideas for sides for dinner. 

Mmmm...fresh raspberries...wait.  Can't have that, because fresh fruit has sugar and the sugar will raise my BG.

Ooh...haven't had noodles/pasta in a while...  But...can't eat that either.

Rice sounds

The list goes on.

When we bought the chips and dip yesterday, the plan was for the afternoon.  Or for lunch.  I will have the chips for lunch.  Yeah.  That's the plan today...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to Work...

...And the posts slow down when the work starts back.

BG has stayed high.  I've woken up the last several mornings with it over 200.  Today, it was 223.  When I tested again, it was after having a cup of coffee with vanilla creamer.  It was about 210.  I didn't manage to test any more. 

We went to a Chinese buffet for lunch today.  I had egg drop soup, a custard bun, half of an egg roll, 2 steamed dumplings, boiled shrimp, and sushi/sashimi/whatever.  The place has a hibachi grill, so I loaded up on veggies and beef and shrimp for the grill.  Top off with sweet tea (the last time I got water from there, it tasted super weird. First glass was fine, but the second may have been Sprite or something instead of water in my half full glass of water.  Otherwise, there was a serious problem with the water.)  Hopefully, there was enough protein to balance out the carbs.  I did not get rice or noodles (other than what was in the sushi).

Dinner was leftovers.  Salmon and some Mexican-inspired taco filler-type stuff with chicken, diced tomatoes and green chiles, squash, zucchini, and cheese.  (I'm really feeling like a snack right now, but while I'd like to have ice cream -- which we've bought in the 3 ounce serving cups, but I think I will get a piece of cheese instead.

On the upside, yesterday, the scale said 211.  Baby steps in the right direction, and I'm okay with that.  (And, if you are worried about my BG, I have an appointment with my endocrinologist Thursday.)

Friday, August 16, 2013

For shame...

W: 212.6
BG: 242

I know, I know.  It's been 11 days since I last blogged.  My blood glucose has shot through the roof again, although I think this antibiotic I'm taking (last day today!) may be to blame.  I woke up the other day with a seriously sore throat that just got worse as the week progressed instead of better.

I have to say that this was also inservice week, and I have not been as good as I should have been.  I stuck to my breakfast (although I am out of turkey sausage, so it was ham and cheese instead), but I haven't been great with lunches. 

Monday, we went to a local meat and three-type restaurant.  I had beef tips with gravy over rice, a sweet potato, and green beans.  I asked if the beef tips could be served over the sweet potato instead of the rice, but was told on the side only. rice please.  I still got rice.  I didn't eat ALL the rice, but I still ate it.  And a roll (although it was a small roll...)  For dinner...uh...I think that's the day I came home and baked salmon (oh so yummy!), but I made cheesy hash browns and broccoli to go with it.  We are out of broccoli and only had one bag then, so not so much of that.  I only had one serving of the hash browns, though.

Tuesday, lunch was Subway.  I got a chicken bacon (out of ranch) chopped salad made with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, and honey mustard, and it was yummy.  I drank water all day (as I did the day before).  Dinner, for me, was leftover salmon and spaghetti squash with a little broccoli.  Again, super yummy. was "open house" at my school, and I had said I would stay.  I had an appointment in the larger town (nothing around here is a city like you would think of a city), so I made a stop for some ice cream.  I mean, after sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day, you deserve some kind of a treat, right?  Right.

Wednesday, I really let go of the low carb diet.  At lunch, we had extra time, so we drove into town for one of the local BBQ joints.  I had an open-faced roast beef sandwich.  Bread.  Home cut french fries.  And someone at the table ordered fried pickles as an app (and I was starving!)  Lemonade to drink.  It was good, although I didn't eat all of it.  (Still in the fridge, too.)  That afternoon...and we're talking over 4 hours after that lunch, my blood sugar tested at 310.  Of course, then I remembered that 30+ minutes before, I'd had two Snackwells cookies (half a package of 4).  Maybe that's it.  I went home, drank a little water, tested again.  294.  Hrm.  For dinner, I made taco soup (following the recipe here.  Two TBS of flour and a can of black beans in the whole, which are supposed to be good carbs. 

Thursday morning (that's yesterday, right?), I tested first thing.  Still 294.  I immediately fixed a glass of water and drank it and tested again.  260.  Better, but still not great.  Breakfast at 7, then tested again at 10 (because of the session we were in -- no break or anything until then) -- 160.  Lunch was catered (thanks to our local National Guard recruiter!) -- Subway sandwiches, chips, soda.  (I'll talk about soda in a minute, but it was Coke and Diet Coke.)  I filled up my glass with ice and hit the water fountain in the hall, grabbed a bag of chips (brought them home for my daughter) and a couple of sandwiches (because they are always cut small for catering, and this was all I was getting to eat.)  Added my tomatoes and cucumber slices, light mayo and mustard.  (And later grabbed 2 Cokes from what was left over after the faculty meeting as well as another bag of BBQ potato chips -- and it all came home for family, completely unopened.)  Sometime that afternoon (and the faculty meeting lasted at least 2 hours), I tested again at 240.

Last night, we went to to the local Mexican place.  I was just going to get water, but someone ordered the 20oz Texas Grande margarita (which, if you drink it, you won't care as much for other margaritas).  I did get a ginormous glass of water to go with it.  I had chips and salsa and cheese dip.  I said I was going to be good and get the California Chicken Salad (which is a salad with lettuce, cilantro, tomatoes, avocado, other good stuff, grilled chicken and a ranch/salsa dressing), but I wound up with flautas.  I'm expecting this morning to wake up to outrageous blood sugar.  And I get 242.  (Yes, this is horrible.  but it's not the near 300 I woke up to the last few days.)

It leaves me confused.  I'll get over it, of course, but I don't understand why it's higher for this and not for that.

On sodas...because I can't remember if I've talked about this before...

A couple of years ago, I successfully gave up soda for Lent.  If you aren't familiar with giving up things for Lent, it is 40 days of abstinence from something.  The 40 days starts the day after Mardi Gras and lasts through Easter and does not count Sundays.  It is supposed to be you giving up something and, through that, getting closer to God.  There are some people who feel that, since Sundays aren't counted in the 40 days, you can "cheat" on Sundays.  The first year I attempted to give up soda, I know I picked a Sunday about halfway through to have one soda, and I had one in the fridge waiting for me as soon as Lent was over. 

But the year I really gave it up, with no cheater days...  when I got that first post-Lent soda...  it was awful.  I have had the occasional soda since, but it really doesn't appeal to me anymore.  I have a couple that I will drink if I "have" to.  I still like sweet tea (hey...this IS the south), but I've (mostly) given it up this summer.  Water, milk, and the occasional cup of coffee. 

I should probably also throw in that I lost my BG meter again, and couldn't find it for the better part of the week, which is another reason I didn't post so much the last few days.  I lost it..turned out it was in the box I bought to keep my medication in and found it when I had to refill my pill box.  Then, lost it again the next day -- it was in my purse.  (Oops...)

Last week, I got my hair permed.  I've gotten lots of compliments on it (even from people who I am just baffled would even notice).  I've also had a few people comment on my weight loss.  The conversation yesterday with the secretary went something like this:

Secretary: So, how much weight have you lost this summer?
Me: About 10, give or take.
S:  You must have lost in inches.
M:  I think it's this hair style.  It makes my face look thinner.
S:  No.  You look thinner everywhere.  Face, hips, legs...
M:  Maybe it's because you haven't seen me in 6 months?  (She was out for a long time because of illness.)
S:  No.  I really think you have lost a lot.  You look good.

I suppose I need to snap one of those Before shots.  I must get back on track, though.  (Although I'm proud that I haven't gained back huge amounts even with my slipping...)

Until next time...